Forgetful Me Must Haves!

I have an incredibly ridiculous habit of saying I want something for my birthday/ Christmas starting in about, mmm, June and forgetting about it. At least once a week I find something I want, tell mike I want it, and then forget about it because I find something else! I know that sounds like “she…

What Day Is It? IT’S HUMP DAY!

What Day is it? IT’S HUMP DAY! It is FINALLY Wednesday. It’s my favorite weekday! Wanna know why?! Because its half way to the weekend and *Drumroll please!* its Small Group Wednesday. Queue circus music! I think I mentioned it before. You know, that little slice of goodness wedged in the middle of my week….

A Woman On A Mission

So I have felt this calling this year and it is lighting a fire in my heart. I had originally planned to go on a missions trip earlier this year but a lot of things didn’t go through between money, scheduling and the trip was ultimately cancelled. I felt really discouraged and felt like maybe…

A Wimpy Day

A Wimpy day  We all have them, they kinda suck. The day where you hit every red light and it rains all day… yeah that day. That day is today. I’ve had an extremely busy week. It’s been a great week in all but I’ve lost focus of the one thing I promised I would…